How can we help?

DEVnet GmbH
Südliche Münchner Straße 42a
82031 Grünwald, Germany

Phone: +49 89 244154 000

Wild river flowing down waterfall

Setting Things
in Motion

Our clients’ markets are like white water: unpredictable, powerful and in permanent flux. We make use of that force. Concretely, we leverage technology, data and algorithms to provide three services: change and run our clients’ business or start a new enterprise.

Change the BusinessRun the BusinessCreate new Business

Shaping Solutions

Three services tailored to the stage of development

Our approach depends on the stage of our clients’ development: Are they launching, growing, optimising or renewing? Accordingly, we offer three services as a partner to change and run the business – or create a business to set off on a joint entrepreneurial journey.

Your Company
Our Service

Change the Business

We co-create digital business processes

Your situation

The continuous quest for transformation is often driven by different motivations. Some aspire to scale their operations or to start a new line of business. Others strive to integrate and adopt after a merger or acquisition.

Our solution

Based on our way of combining data, technologies and industry expertise we work in interdisciplinary teams. Together with our client we design tailored digital change. The transformations that we jointly implement range from optimising core processes to developing entirely new business models.

Case Study: Customised Mass Production for Derivatives ›

Run the Business

We operate and optimise complex systems

Your situation

As data-driven software landscapes grow in complexity they face two conflicting requirements: They have to be robust to operate reliably. Plus, they need to remain adaptive to allow continuous innovation. Mastering this balancing act is the challenge to stay ahead.

Our solution

We provide a twofold Managed Service. We guarantee the smooth operation of systems and processes. At the same time, we incrementally optimise the application ecosystem. These steps include integrating new technologies, reducing operational risks, automating processes and reorganising data flows.

Case Study: Runnnig and Advancing an IT Platform at Once ›

Create new Business

We build new enterprises on the greenfield

A new idea

The close collaboration with our clients and our creative restlessness continuously generate ideas for new businesses. The inspiration comes from various sources: new patterns that we discern across projects and markets or the rise of new technologies that open up new opportunities.

Our solution

Fuelled by our entrepreneurial spirit, we realise these ideas by combining our expertise in data, technology and specific industries. These greenfield projects can take two forms: Either we team up with a like-minded partner, or we assume the entrepreneurial risk ourselves.

Case Study: Developing Algorithmic Trading in Energy ›
Water circular swirl

Developers who write specifications

Business analysts who code

Experts who work across industries

Consultants who grow beyond their original role


Flexibility of Our Roles

How to Get in Touch

Do reach out to our regional experts who will be glad to assist you or put you in touch with our specialists.

Thomas Worofsky

Thomas Worofsky

Regional Sales Manager South

Reach out to Thomas

Explore our People ›

Maximilian Kühl

Maximilian Kühl

Regional Sales Manager Centre

Reach out to Maximilian

Explore our People ›

Ann-Christin Tiemann

Ann-Christin Tiemann

Regional Sales Manager North

Reach out to Ann-Christin

Explore our People ›

Knowhow – From Data Platforms to Digital Change

Harnessing the Power of Science

All knowhow offerings ›

Integrate and
Organise Data

We take care of your data flows to raise their value and quality along the entire value chain.

Data Management ›

Develop Platforms
and Algorithms

Building on well-organised data, we innovate your business by creating software solutions.

Business Technology ›

Quant IT for Finance ›

Quant IT for Energy ›

Facilitate Digital

Relying on team learning, agile methodologies and design thinking we drive change processes.

Digital Change ›


Exploring data, we deepen your understanding of your business and empower decision-making.

Data Science ›

Business Intelligence ›

Industries – From innovative Financial Players to Smart Energy Providers

Branching Out to New Territories

All Industries ›
DEVnet Team Meeting

Creating Solutions Together

Explore who we are, how we work, and what it is that usually puts a smile on our face.

Icy background structure
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