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DEVnet GmbH
Südliche Münchner Straße 42a
82031 Grünwald, Germany

Phone: +49 89 244154 000

Bridge connects landscapes

Connecting Two
Different Worlds

Business Technology is our approach to bringing business and technology together. That empowers our clients to drive innovation. Together we build digital solutions that leverage their business.

How We See ItHow You BenefitWhat We OfferWhere We ExcelHow We Stay Ahead

How We See Business Technology

With Business Technology we address a widespread disconnect:


Two Experts – Two Worlds

Business and IT specialists are often worlds apart.

They differ in background, culture and motivation: Business experts try to innovate, but oversee technological potential – while those in IT act often driven by requirements.

Being at home in both worlds and relying on our knowhow of Digital Change, we enable our client to turn things around:


Two Experts – One World

Business experts and IT turn to each other to collaborate in a balanced partnership.

They jointly explore future needs and complement each other.

That leverages their innovative potential and guides the company to a successful future.

Sascha von Brevern, Lead Expert Business Technology
“In our experience, uniting Business and IT in the process of building complex software solutions is key. It makes the final product more powerful and sustainable as it is endorsed by everybody involved.“

Sascha von Brevern, Lead Expert Business Technology

How You Benefit

We develop business critical application ecosystems, created intuitive approaches to digital interaction with clients, reengineered outmoded software solutions, streamlined processes through automation, implemented efficient migrations, reduced complexities and achieved scalability for different clients. Here are four projects as examples:

Making a Business Scale

150 mathematical scripts served as analytical heart of a clearing house but were impossible to scale. We transformed them into software that automates processes and is easily used by non-technical staff.

Case Study: Industry - Stock Exchanges ›
Using AI for Traders

Relying on data analysis and AI, we built a platform that automatically buys and sells energy on commodity exchanges. That allows our client to exploit market dynamics and branch out into a new business.

Case Study: Services - Create ›
Building on the Greenfield

Together with two founders we shaped the idea of setting up an entirely new asset management boutique. We have developed a highly efficient software platform that now has €27bn assets under management.

Optimising Complex Applications

We oversee the operation of two central IT-applications for a global insurer. Using our domain knowledge and data skills we do two things at once: run the applications and substantially optimise them.

Case Study: Services - Run ›

What We Offer

Focussing on our clients’ business model, we apply Business Technology along their entire value chain. As we take an end-to-end perspective, our services range from exploring business needs, designing application architectures, all the way to implementing software platforms. These are combined with DevOps, the operation and continuous improvement of systems both on premise and in the cloud. To address different needs, we provide offerings of various sizes:

Exploratory Workshop

We examine how the needs of your business align with your application ecosystem to reach your strategic goals.

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1-4 dys

Exploratory Prototyping

We run design sprints with your business and IT experts and jointly build prototypes for a new software solution.


3-6 wks

Full-Stack Engineering

Based on the principles of agile software development we build solutions with your business and IT experts.


> 3 mths

Where we excel

In addition to our expertise in communication and domain knowledge in different industries we rely on specific technological skills:

Azure FunctionsAzure Kubernetes ServiceAWS LambdaAWS SNSAWS CloudwatchAWS RDSAmazon ECSAmazon ECRAmazon EKSAmazonFargateAmazon SageMakerServiceFabricAzure Cosmos DBAzure SQL DatabaseAzure PipelinesAzure Devops Azure ArtifactsArchitectureDesignService OrientedArchitectureArchitecturalAnalysisMultitierArchitecture MicroservicesArchitectureEvolutionPL/SQL AngularReactVue.jsWindows FormsJava FXJava SwingWindows WPF XAMLEntity Framework Windows WFWindows WCFSciPy Powershell Microsoft VBADapperscikitSciKitLearnInternetInformation ServicesGlassFishZeroMQHDFSAzure Devops KubernetesAWS Dynamo DBApache TomcatAmazon S3Azure Application InsightsAzure Log AnalyticsSystem ArchitectureServicesArchitectural PatternsDevOpsDatabasesCI/CD OrchestrationMiddleware Monitoring Time Series DatabasesStreamingCloudAzureCompute/ContainersAzure MonitorData- basesDeveloperTools/DevOpsAWSMachineLearningServerless/ApplicationIntegrationContainersAdministrationDataStorageFull Stack DevelopmentBackend TechnologiesC/C++ GoJava C#/.NET Python ScriptingDatabaseFrontend DevelopmentDomainBusiness Technology
DEVnet Team Meeting

How We Stay Ahead

We strive to continuously access new sources of knowledge and experience, challenge common wisdom and create new nodes in our professional networks. To achieve these goals, we pursue different avenues:

Tech Forum

We run an in-house tech community to discuss developments such as cloud technologies, microservice frameworks and artificial intelligence. To disseminate knowledge, we organise bi-weekly calls. In these exchanges our techies share IT trends, tools and technological experiences, while our consultants offer insights of how emerging technologies are applied in the business world.

Innovation Lab

A team led by our founder and Head of Innovation, Theofanis Alexandropoulos, explores ideas for digital business models based on emerging technologies. One focus is on distributed ledger technology and tokenisation of assets to design an innovative platform for digital investing. Thereby, we gain insights for projects with clients, but also enable us to start entirely new businesses.

Personal Growth

We hone our interpersonal skills with courses on Needs-based Communication for our entire staff. This helps us understand the needs and intentions of others and catalyses joint creative work. Plus, we have run in-house trainings on Change Management with the leading expert Klaus Doppler. That enhances our competence in accompanying digital change as industry dynamics are shifting.

How to Get in Touch

We love exchanging ideas with you, so do feel free to reach out!

Sascha von Brevern

Sascha von Brevern

Lead Expert Business Technology

Reach out to Sascha

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