the Power of Science
For a sustainable future, organisations have to master data and technology with a focus on the needs of people. Our offerings provide that expertise to jointly build up knowledge and lasting solutions.
Building Digital Fitness
To digitally empower our clients, we have aligned our work along four interdependent fields of knowledge:
Integrate and Organise Data
Platforms and
Generate Insights
Integrate and Organise Data
Gathering diverse complex data and refining it into high-quality input
Data Management
We take care of your data flows to raise their value and quality along the entire value chain. Blending a technological, methodological and organisational perspective, we build a basis of tailored information flows with one goal: providing high-quality data for your digital platforms and for the analytics to systematically generate insights.
Explore ›Develop Platforms and Algorithms
Building automated systems and analytics to digitalise and scale your value chains
Business Technology
We fuse business and technological skills to develop software solutions that make your core processes digitally savvy. Bridging a common gap between experts in business and technology departments, we develop application ecosystems that raise your agility, efficiency and ability to innovate.
Explore ›Quant IT for Finance
We build real-time analytics for capital markets. These include pre-processing of data, quantitative modelling and simulation with live data, best practices for seamless transition to production, plus workflow automation and interactive reporting. That leverages trading and risk management.
Explore ›Quant IT for Energy
We provide solutions for the new challenges that arise from digitalisation and growing real-time data-processing in the energy sector. With utilities and other industry clients we develop quantitative software that is pivotal in the transmission, distribution, trading and retailing of energy.
Explore ›Generate Insights
Exploring diverse and large data sets to facilitate decisions and innovation
Business Intelligence
We provide state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies to explore the data related to your business activities. Specifically, we evaluate and predict parameters of success, present results through reports and dashboards, and empower users to independently explore information by designing their own analytics.
Explore ›Data Science
We foster innovation by linking human creativity with computational power. Specifically, we generate insights through automated analyses and artificial intelligence. Further, we make these powerful analytics available to connected platforms and algorithms that directly control and automate businesses processes.
Explore ›Facilitate Digital Transformation
Blending technological and organisational development to inspire users and creators
Digital Change
Handling your data, developing digital platforms and generating insights will only get you so far. True progress equally requires continuous learning of the people involved and your organisation as a whole. To that end, we rely on our experience and best practices in change management, team learning, Needs-based Communication, agile methodologies, design thinking and innovation.
Explore ›consultants with university degrees
Distribution of subjects
Computer Science
Maths & Physics
Social Sciences

Our Educational Background
How to Get in Touch
Do reach out to our regional experts who will be glad to assist you or put you in touch with our specialists.

Industries – From innovative Financial Players to Smart Energy Providers
Branching Out to New Territories
All Industries ›Services — From Digital Transformation to Greenfield Projects
Setting Things
in Motion
the Business
Co-creating digital processes
We collaborate with you in your endeavour to integrate, scale or expand a line of business. Together we design tailored digital change.
Case Study: Customised Mass Production for Derivatives ›Run
the Business
Operating and optimising systems
We provide a twofold Managed Service with a delicate balancing act: We guarantee the smooth operation of systems while optimising them.
Case Study: Runnnig and Advancing an IT Platform at Once ›Create
new Business
Starting a business from scratch
Detecting patterns across projects or the potential of new technologies we generate ideas and implement systems to launch a new business.
Case Study: Developing Algorithmic Trading in Energy ›